Estoy pensando, avisenme, porque a veces pensar es un problema.
Estoy pensando, avisenme, porque a veces pensar es un problema.
I couldn't feel a thing, before I met you.
Neither a needle in my finger,
or a breeze in my face.
Then I met you, and I realized,
I realize I don't want to live
If it's without your warm blow on me.
There is no pain like this,
I've never felt so hurt,
But still, I never felt so happy.
Both, pain and plessure,
reside in me, and burn my heart,
since I met you.
I will never let you go,
I'll prefer to die,
Even because of you.
Letting you go will kill me,
Letting you stay will be the same,
But, what if I can have you beyond earth?
We will never know.
At least, you will keep burning me,
You will be the little heat in my soul.
Just kill me now,
Before I let those feelings go,
Before my soul gets cold,
And everything gets darker.
El nada (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 4 de febrero de 2018 a las 21:23
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Lo hice como reacción a la melodía que se escucha en el video que puse. Quizá todos hemos tenido, Ansia de llanto, y ganas de llorar.
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 22
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