I stand over the void's gaping maw,
The red ashes from the burnt forest travel on the scorching gusts,
Kissing my face with burning lips,
The embers from the oaks and pines a bright glow against the nervously waiting night,
Within the endless pit I risk a glance,
Deep lakes of liquid fire eternally tormenting the souls of those heavy with sin,
A sea of madness devouring every being’s essence,
Patiently waiting for my descent,
Echoes from the past turn my muscles to lead,
Urging me to let go and plunge into oblivion,
Over the other side,
A flower smiles at me from the edge,
The only living beauty remaining from the mystical forest of life,
Now a desert of ashes and poisonous shadows,
It's black petals and twisted stem a trophy over old wounds and aches,
Its delicate roots stubbornly piercing the stone,
Feeding on those burning waters of agony,
For eternity blooming with fire within,
A black rose with a scarlet heart,
Side to side we stand,
Witnessing hell succumb to its own darkness as it burns itself to ashes,
And the shadows devour themselves as they scatter away from our burning fountain of love,
Let us walk among the ruins of life and under the gray rains of ash,
Hold my hand tight so our hearts pounding can unify and shake the world,
Be the hell within my void.
Be mine.
Ravniko Juur Holstain (
- Publicado: 23 de febrero de 2018 a las 09:25
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 29
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Edmundo Rodriguez, rosi12
Y la traducción...????
Esta en camino maestro....
A veces me cuesta traducir lo que escribo de un idioma a otro....
Las palabras son la parte fácil, pero expresar lo mismo en otro idioma es lo difícil....
Con todo gusto y placer lo traduciré lo mejor que pueda e intentare invocar los mismos sentimientos....
Y gracias por pasar por aca y dedicarle un poco de su tiempo a mis letras..
Querido Amigo Rav ,
Se siente muy hermosas tus palabras
Un gran Abrazo .
Gracias por pasar por aca...
the only beauty of life that with hands show those hearts to unify the world, beautiful letters, it's a pleasure to read you.
A true pleasure is for my simple letters to reach you and evoke a sentiment or maybe spark an idea....
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