It's a nightmare to exist,
There's no love nor will.
It's just you and your thoughts,
Griefs and old hurts...
It's a nightmare to be,
There's just hate and forsake,
From the people you loved,
Whom became your regrets.
I was used to repeat,
It's a dream, It's not real...
Soon, I will wake up,
Soon, I will live.
On the world I have dreamed of,
During all this years.
It's a beautiful place,
Where I'm happy... And safe.
But the time went by,
And it felt like the same,
It was a horrible existence,
Which used to kill me every day.
But now it has changed,
For a friend is with me,
Holding my heart,
And holding my will.
'cause a night I was suffering,
And I saw a dancing star,
Far away on the sky,
It was jumping around.
I don't know why it did it,
But it crashed right on me,
On a whisper I heard,
I'll help you to live...
She's the sun of my morning,
And the moon of my nights.
She enlights my whole life,
With her soul and her smile.
I will never surrender,
No, I will never go back,
To my sorrows nor loneliness,
Nor my hatenees nor fears.
So, I'll always be thankful,
To God and his Angel...
For my life was saved,
And the nightmare's no more.
I just hope you understand,
And remember my words,
There's a star out there,
Waiting for you to catch on.
Tolerant Dragon (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 8 de marzo de 2018 a las 01:49
- Categoría: Amistad
- Lecturas: 24
I must say, this is just beautiful.
And about my star, I caught on to her 35 years ago.
I'm glad you like it, I certainly appreciate the comment. Jajajaja and I'm glad you've got your star so many time ago
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