Today, I learnt I do not belong to a time or space
That no one is saved until the last day,
So we should live out of prejudice and fear
At this point any song helps me to breathe
Any lyric can represent what I feel,
Hence I should leave my body with pills
Tell me how to kill myself
Tell me how to live forever
Tell me where to find the key
To the little pieces of peace
Tell me how to stop myself
Tell me how to live forever
Tell me how to save her
I will build my bloody pieces of peace
It pulls me down and strikes out
<<This is the life we live>>
Practically, in the hopellessest land but
With steel nerves and a gold thorned heart
Revitalize my being , paint a rosy fate
For keeping us in line.
Right before my eyes , I saw you decayed ,
however, I could not have stopped your gold
thorned heart
Protected and raised by white deep lies.
- Autor: A new verge ( Offline)
- Publicado: 17 de junio de 2018 a las 13:09
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 28
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Elena Nikkinen
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