Today while I listen to a song , my eyes start to burn and my chest feels heavy . Memories of the past take life in my mind, memories of those who use to be in deep love those crazy hearts , the ones that use to dream of a future together where the world sounded much, much better..
Dreams ....... only beatiful dreams where nothing really matters if I only had you ! where my reflection on your eyes was more than I ever wanted.
Then the hearts grew heavy, and the souls got distant, the chest began to hurt , and the tears start to died , they died even before they left those sad eyes that wanted to see no more light, this hearth is beating slow , and today there is no more love!
Today this life is fading away , the dreams don't exist anymore and the darkness is hugging this soul that lonely and cold stay still in this place where life ceases to exist .
Memories of someone that use to dream is the only remaining of that soul that one day incredulous use to love...
- Publicado: 4 de septiembre de 2018 a las 12:14
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 25
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