Let me tell you something



Let me tell you something boy: I don’t need you
Or maybe that’s what I thought
Or well, I used to need somebody
But I didn’t know it was you.
Actually, if I need you or not
The truth is: I want you.

I didn’t love you
Six years ago I didn’t know you
But in my fantasy I use to love a boy

Or maybe that’s what I thought
But now I know it was pure fantasy,
the real love doesn’t look like that.

There were some guys
there were those times…
Different times. They tried to love me,
I wasn’t ready.
Am I ready now?
If I’m not, I want to be.
This feel so different
because I’m a little different now.
Can I tell you something and simplify all this?
I really think I love you.

  • Autor: Chrystell (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 16 de octubre de 2018 a las 00:55
  • Categoría: Amor
  • Lecturas: 34
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Oceánide♡, Lualpri
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  • Elio Reiner

    I love this poem now and before and always.

    • Chrystell


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