Love is just like that
I take a look behind, with fear and nostalgia
Hoping not to make the same old mistakes
Praying for keep what we have, what we are
Trying to avoid what the destiny want for us
I cry while I'm writting this simple words
'Cause I never forget what happened before
And I never want to repeat that things bad
I only want, is my desire, to let that behind, in the past
No one more than you and me, my little dear
Knows what we do for resist against the adversity
Nobody knows our suffering or the pain inside
As well as how much great is our love
We're strong, we won all the situations that we face
And it never mattered how terrifiy was the gale,
It never mattered how much our poor hearts were bleeding
None of that mattered, 'cause love can fight against everything
So princess, don't worry, just trust on me, on the truth
I promise, I will never fail or betray to you
Since even though it sounds like a corny or cliche thing
I can't wait for the day in which I put on your finger a ring
I don't know write songs, and I think that my poems are the worst
But you inspire me, you make that bright the stars
Only you do that, when I'm close my eyes, you make me see another world
And when you kiss me, I can fly trough the sky and the clouds
But in every single history of love, there has to be darkness
'Cause I wish i can tell you that I'll be forever by your side
But that, is a promise disguised of a lie
You know that as well as i know, it's a matter of time
But, you know what? I don't believe in a future designed
So I won't worry for this foolish about
I just wanna enjoy and fall in love of my life, without a mansion or a car
I just want to be happy with the girl I chosen to live
M&M (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 23 de octubre de 2018 a las 18:53
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 37
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