"Hidden Truths"


On my smile you will see, 

Only joy and amazement, 

But that smile hides the pain, 

Of a life full of grieves. 


On my heart you will see, 

Lots of love, no cruelty, 

But that heart hides deep wounds, 

Of a live full of hate. 


On my back you will see, 

All strength and no fears, 

But that back hides the shame, 

Of a life full of guilt. 


On my eyes you will see,

Just a soul seeking peace,

But those eyes hide the truth, 

Of a life under teardrops, 

And a soul full of rage. 


On my words you might read, 

Many sadness and remorse, 

But those words hide the truth, 

Of someone who made it through despite all.

  • Autor: Tolerant Dragon (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 3 de marzo de 2019 a las 17:52
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 13
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