Love standstill
Have you seen the beauty of life?
The colors of the sky
How did you start your day with tears or with a smile?
The spring of life is made of stardust.
The atom of life
The poor heart of the sailor, who wind is dictating his steps into the ocean.
We sail in the storm together hugging for a short period of time, I kiss her lips while starring at her eyes and only that time in my life, I realize that she is my lover my sunflower in the summer when rains falls down the rainbow shows up to both of us and the sun warms up her skin in a wonderful way she is seated in the sand with me, we feel in the air hot and cold the spirit of summer blowing thru her hair and she closed her eyes with a dream of love.
alexander (
- Publicado: 21 de abril de 2019 a las 18:37
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 11
is nice i like that
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