The cost of a friendship,
Starts with a word,
And it goes up so high,
Till the heavens own doors.
With time as the master,
Unfolding the truth,
Fake or reality,
Will always come through.
For people's ambition,
Possesses their minds,
Not caring for others,
No matter the time.
But loving true friends,
Will always be filled,
With kindness for you,
Proud and peace.
So, simply pay attention,
To the time's revealed truths,
For they will let you know,
Which, friend or foe you've got.
And please, just remember.
The cost of your friendship,
Started with a word,
And it went up so high,
Till the heavens own doors.
Shall I never regret,
The price I have paid,
For now I'm fulfilled,
With your everlasting care.
Tolerant Dragon (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 27 de mayo de 2019 a las 05:32
- Categoría: Amistad
- Lecturas: 23
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