Dream of Hope


Oh! My dream

What will it enhance?

At the darkness of rage

Will it dissipate from within?

Or will it endure fate?


At the beginning or the end of life

Will it embrace the chance,

to once again prevail,

on the dim and rare hope?

From within it awakens


Don’t let go of me

Sweet ambrosia of light

The chance will come

For you to arrive

And life as it was once dreamt

Will be embracing our hearts, once again. 






  • Autor: Vanny (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 15 de julio de 2010 a las 14:36
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 108
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  • vanny28

    I was in a class and it came, I just had to write it down.

  • KALITA_007

    your poem is really nice, the hope....is the magic of the life...
    kisses...for you.. my lady beautiful..

    • vanny28

      Thanks so much!!!!! You know I had been checking some of your poems. They are really passionate. I have to say that the one that I have identified more is your poem named "Soledad" 'cause many times I really feel the longing from a loved one, but I'm alone so.. yeah.
      Well thanks !! Bye

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