There's always a time in a men's life where he is pin down. His in chakles deep deep in a dark place inside of himself. Full of cracks, slowly breaking apart without knowing what to do about it. Feeling alone, as if he was in a place sorrounded by people ho couldn't see him, hear him or understand him. But that's not true because he is not alone, but that is what he wants to belive, that is what he wants to feel, and it's ok because being alone makes us strong right? Been silent makes us strong right? Or is it simply that hes too afraid to speak the things that are breaking him inside, because he doesn't even trust his how shadow with his feelings. Always afraid that he will be hurt again...
Bryan (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 18 de noviembre de 2019 a las 17:10
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Me motive y sólo me pude expresar en ingles. Esta estapa de mi vida está complicada y esto es algo con lo que estoy lidiando cada día. Y cada ves es peor.
- Categoría: Triste
- Lecturas: 25
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Yamila Valenzuela
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