It's another letter on my desk,
Just a bunch of words, with no sense
They flutter in my mind,
Like butterflies against the wind.
They hit one each other,
Trying to take their place,
Like children looking for their height,
And I... I watch them and catalog.
I looking for in my mind, I think of you,
And then... everything makes sense,
Every word, every sign, every dot,
They are going chain themselves.
Pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, cute,
Looking for another words like...
You, face, eyes, soul, heart,
And then the reason is complemented.
You are the one who gives meaning,
With your pale and beautiful skin,
With your soft and pink lips,
With your angel figure.
You are the one who gives coherence...
To these words, to this letter,
To the poor mind of this humble painter,
Thank you for exist, beautiful angel.
El Max (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 29 de diciembre de 2019 a las 00:35
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Me gustó cómo suena en inglés, y para que trabajará su mente intelectual, por eso me enamoré, y más me duele haberla perdido.
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 30
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