She's flushed, and I don't know the reason,
her heart is beating so quickly,
her breathing is intense, and I see her,
her cheeks takes a red color, she's so cute.
Her skin is so white, not so much,
not like the marfil, neather the paper,
rather is like the moon,
so brilliant, so clean, her smile is so precious.
That's the reason, her smile,
is so beautiful, her curve is like a waning moon,
but that tone of her cheeks, it's not red,
because, not is for shame.
I like It give her that tone,
I imagine her face like a emoji, so cute,
so innocent, so gorgeous,
pink, that's the color, a incredible pink.
She's so tender, her smile say that,
she's so pretty, everyone say that,
she's so good, God is her sheeperd,
and I... I put the color in her cheeks.
Por eso se que rojo no es su color.
Because I am the painter, and I draw a smile in her face... Always.
El Max (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 30 de diciembre de 2019 a las 16:37
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Ayer la vi, nos cruzamos en el boulevard, corriendo, cruzamos nuestras miradas y no nos hablamos, y sentí como nos dolió a ambos ese encuentro en silencio, Dios... Cómo la quiero 😢.
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 16
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