The World is Waiting for You and Me
By Martha Trevino Castilleja 4/2020
I don’t go out much,
What is there to see?
The city sidewalks that are empty of you and me?
The parks where children play
Are silent of their laughter
And their shadows I only see
The streets that took us places we’d complained to be,
Are all empty of you and me.
There are no restaurants for gatherings with friends,
No centers to beautify your physique
No baseball fields to cheer a team,
No football games where men and women contently screamed.
Do I have a place to be? Maybe the grocery…
What Monster has invaded our privacy and put us in seclusion?
Don’t go out, I’m told, stay inside and you’ll be safe.
This Monster of a Virus has locked up humanity.
It has put the world on this unforeseeable standstill
Putting the sick to bed and many more to their eternal rest.
The sun is shining and the trees are full of life
There’s just one obstacle we can see.
The outdoors is off limits for you and me.
We stay indoors and feel the freedom we still possess,
Realizing what a treasure we do have.
We were in such a rush to get from here to there,
Not seeing what was important for us to share.
What little time we had to spare
We’d employed somewhere else.
The automation of our minds
Always racing to a finish line.
The essence of life is invincible
It’s inside of you and me.
It’s the force we possess to conquer what lays ahead.
There’s no rush to go places, but if you do wear a mask.
For that invisible monster might take you away.
We have the time, and plenty of things to do.
See your children or family’s laughter and share their joy,
Hug them once or twice or more,
Let them see the love for life you hold so dear.
With your imagination you’ll travel far or near,
There’s no time to spare until we return to how we used to be.
We must help our World heal for you and me.
Martha Trevino Castilleja (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 21 de abril de 2020 a las 23:32
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 21
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Lualpri, Ed-win
Siempre hay a donde ir, pero hay veces que el tiempo nos detiene y vemos con claridad lo que tenemos. No dejes pasar lo que la vida pone en nuestro alcance. Disfruta el tiempo con tus seres queridos. Hay Tiempo!
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