I'm gonna ask you why the sky cries on my death,
Why the clouds cover my tears on my last breath,
Why my failures of shed tears of blood become
one more reason to sayforlast time, "goodbye".
I wanna sleep even I'm n hell.
People asking me to escape to the blade killer,
But it’s for you, not for me.
I wanna end me, end this prison,
Even ifs fire kill my breathe.
My death is in my character.
I'm dead inside me for many years ago,
And a little jump can disappear all tears of my memories.
I have thousand of scars on me, some of them are 'till opened.
I wake up every day, another day closer to my death.
I'm sorry to break your heart (one more time)
'cause you're holding the heaviest box on your back.
Dara, La Rusa, Sanz, etc. (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 23 de mayo de 2020 a las 12:19
- Categoría: Triste
- Lecturas: 22
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: sandor, Marcos Reyes Fuentes
Sad Soul Poem ... and very good. I guess you don't speak Spanish.
Chacha, sí hablo español!!!
La muerte es una constante en tu poesía amigo...... y en tu personaje. son poemas buenos, que tal un poema a la vida. Saludos
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