You'll be tried once in a while ...
You'll be defeated and beaten to the ground 'till you crave not to be alive.
My dear ...
You'll have to make a choice.
'cause every day might become a war,
A dead end at the Frontline of your life.
Days, weeks, months or years,
It'll be up to you, either to give up or fight.
And let me warn you...
Your strength will fade,
Your heart will brake,
Your legs will shake,
And then... You'll kiss the ground.
No matter what... you're gonna fall down...
There will be no one to blame,
And possibly no one to help you out.
So tell me...
You wanna be the one regretting its decisions,
Or you wanna be the one rising up stronger than it was.
'cause we'll be tried from time to time...
And I hope you know...
Life might not give you a second chance...
It'll be up to you, either to give up or fight.
Tolerant Dragon (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 13 de julio de 2020 a las 04:04
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 19
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