All I wanna do 28/7/2020

Daniya Ereneva

I'm sitting in my chair cuttin' my vains
while I'm eating for you all your flakes.
I'm runnin' in a street with no escape,
'cause for years ago I'm a fuck shit slave.

This is all I wanna do
before fall into my doom.
This is all I wanna do
'cause depression made me fool,
a shit and stupid boy, oh.

I wanna see bleed my skin,
cut all my body and be a dead man.
If its necesary fall down with a rope...
My fuckin' life is a fuckiin' hell.

I hurt everybody, I seems a glass,
I hope stop my breath by a cut,
I hope find a hiigh place and jump,
end my fuckin' life finally,
'cause I hurt inocent souls
in my short life.

Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: Dara, La Rusa, Sanz, etc. (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 29 de julio de 2020 a las 11:29
  • Categoría: Reflexión
  • Lecturas: 49
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Lualpri
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