Nero’s Fiddle

Arnoldo Alonso

While Nero fiddles

The republic swindles

Workers are forced to work 

Small businesses close 

Seniors ration, cutting with indexes and thumbs their last pills 

Pharmaceutical crumbs of overpriced white powder lie on-top of the kitchen table; lights are 

turned off

It’s all dim, in the trailer park 

30 million unemployed 

31 million uninsured 

Congress goes home, while you 

are forced to work 

The republic swindles 

while you raise; your little petty, artificial 

keyboard written 


Doña Lupe dies 

while politicians 

play politics on Twitter. 

My only hope, self-initiated 

Go-Fund Me’s 

where people help 

with a click of a finger 

Long live, 

the United States of the Internet 

conspiracy theories 





big lips 


 big tittes. 

Go listen to tribal leaders 

wear your jersey 

write inspiring quotes while showing that beautiful “modeling” face 


keep on being sexy 

keep on pulling your hair 

wearing those glasses 

doing what you learn 

before you lay in bed 

Don’t worry 

we are all dancing 

to the tune of the fiddle. 








and you will find death 




zero action 

in a very connected world 


Don’t be sad 

if you are going to play in Texas 

you gotta have a fiddle 

in your band 


[insert the happy face emoji: the one with the fucked up eye 

and the sticking tongue] 



Stick the tongue. 

The filter makes you look cute. 


scroll down 

don’t stop 

and reflect 


People are hurting 

Are you?

Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: Arnoldo Alonso (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 18 de agosto de 2020 a las 15:19
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 26
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