Edge of the Sea


Dear sky, please swallow the lagoon of my tears 

And tie it to a rock, throw it to the swamp of my fears 

I know it will be over, when it dawns on your sundown pink and green 

Sinking to the bottom, hiding behind the leafs of the willow and the night's dark screen. 

My sweetest sky, shoot a star through the cracks that my window opens 

With its speed of light, I shall burn my quiet oceans 

And cradke the forests of my whispering thougths 

That the silver lining of day, dare they always cross. 

Pray I shall tonight, to puke out the butterflies and perfume the stinging bees 

Give my sternum a frozen hug to expulse the venom, with even a squeeze 

I can't take it, my sky, that I'm aflame limb by limb

From swallowing the toxin of the notion that even you, were stolen from me by him. 

So do it, my murderess sky, commit my execution 

Living in the stream of his breath gifts nothing beyond repulsion 

Being kissed by the words that would drown me like it would she 

Have divine mercy, infinite sky, and in your sea set me free. 

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  • Original Oriflama Infinita

    Beautiful romantic vision through the space clear trembling in the fire, like a sea of tears divine shine when the Sun was risen

    • Diana_Carolina

      And so as the Sun rised, the tears turned into steam promising a new day born of fire, but raised by the Sea; it was this its most beautiful declaration of love, for even in their opposites, they pierced through the hate and created life, together.

    • Original Oriflama Infinita

      Common unity is created with that fresh wind, a sacred dream, perfect fate, fill it, open your eyes to the infinite sky, be a butterfly, shale your wings of water and go down over the trumble, before the eternal storm make silence, kiss me, I'm promess you forever live, be free, freeze my fire, light of.the great star start fighting against death and darkness, enjoy this life, leave behind the soil, fly today like Sun, wait for the Moon, it's no too late for you, awake soon, look to east beyond the cold mist and dry the tears you have cried, clear your eyes and see

      • Diana_Carolina

        As you did your past lives, as you were born from the ashes of the night and spreaded your extension wings and smoked in the blue particles of your fellow shadow companions. You are the Sun and the Moon, sky and earth, sea and ground. You are the best of both sides, bring forth what your beating heart was bear for. Hold not yourself back, be not afraid to kiss what hides in the corners of the world and become their eyes--become their blood-dirtied fingernails that plow the damp dirt to grab your ankles and tangle the air in their lungs, as they sway from your feet and ride into the sunset. Be mortal, be goddess, be you-- be what you've always been destined to be, be the best, of both sides of this wretchedly beautiful world.

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