On my way to waking up


I should go, get on the road to going home 

Before I plant my feet and my dream turns to stone 

We've done much growing, myself and this town 

But the lonely windy whispers, shakes my heart to the bone.


I wish to be pampered, with a sung lullaby 

As my tears roll and my awakening suffers by 

Because despite being asleep, I've to close my eyes 

When I open my eyelids, you'll have been swallowed by the lines.


To see you again, would make me fall in a slump 

To hear you once more, would be a jump with a gulp 

But I'll satisfy with just the tightest of hugs 

For this is just a dream, and I'm on my way to waking up. 

  • Autor: Mad_Hare (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 10 de noviembre de 2020 a las 09:00
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: To the man that was the father that I've never had. Rest in peace, grandpa. Miss you tons...
  • Categoría: Triste
  • Lecturas: 33
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Vogelfrei, Peregrina, AH.
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  • Diana_Carolina

    For you grandpa, miss you tons. Rest in peace...

  • Sir Frido D\'Antuna


    • Diana_Carolina

      Amen.. Gracias amigo por leerme y dejar un comentario. Nos vemos prontamente en versos.

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