I'm leaving home, Momma


One, two, three; count with me, Momma, as I jump the rope 

With each counted number, you'll drop a gout of hope 

Just like you said when grandpa left, you'll too, will learn to cope 

Dry your sad tears, Momma, I too am scared to let go. 

Four, five and six, Momma; the glassy stairs are reaching the ending 

I don't want it to end, Momma, the time that we've been spending 

I solely promise you, that even though I've now to be ascending 

I'll come back to the stairs after playtime and there, for you, I'll be waiting. 

Seven, eight, nine; go home, Momma, you'll catch a cold and the night is freezing 

I'm warm, Momma, don't worry; your hand is cozy and squeezing 

The fear in my small hands, that by your fingers is decreasing. 

I'm leaving home, Momma, wave me goodbye and count the clouds 

And when looking up, smile instead of frowns 

Hug the pillow, but don't cry, or in your sobs my voice will drown 

I promise to see you someday again, Momma; until then, together, let's count. 

  • Autor: Mad_Hare (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 5 de diciembre de 2020 a las 00:25
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Loved ones will always be with you, even when you can't see them. Los seres querido siempre estaran contigo, aun cuando ya no puedas verlos.
  • Categoría: Triste
  • Lecturas: 31
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Vogelfrei, Original Oriflama Infinita
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