Today is the day!
To start the end of this.
Do not be afraid
We are not alone.
Today is the day!
Its bright and clear sky
Comfortable temperature
And calm wind.
Today is the day!
We are stronger
And positive
More than never to go ahead.
Today is a day!
For victory
For peace
And the celebration.
Today is the day!
We still here again,
All obstacles
And difficulties.
Today is the day!
To open windows
and souls.
Today is the day!
To raise the flag
To make cookies
and wishes.
Today is the day!
To sing
To dance
To share and shake.
Today is the day!
tell the world
We are good people
Nice people!
Perseverant people.
Today is the day
Do not stop
we arrive at victory
to celebrate together.
hakeeler (
- Publicado: 12 de diciembre de 2020 a las 06:13
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Es un estado del alma que revela una fuerza espiritual que se opone a la derrota, que persiste y busca el aire de la esperanza; porque presiente la victoria.
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 21
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