Ghost in the sky



Ghost in the sky

Little history
party to share
like wings
that can fly
around the circus
In the stars
follow the wish list
of the mind
For be in love
of a lonelyne person
can make us fly
like a ghost
in the sky


Fantasma en el cielo

Pequeña histórica

fiesta para compartir

como alas

que pueden volar

por el circo

en las estrellas

siguiendo la lista

de deseos en la mente

Porque estar enamorado

de una persona solitaria

puede hacernos volar

como un fantasma

en el cielo



  • Autor: LCRNC (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 15 de enero de 2021 a las 21:53
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: hi, thanks for reading, this come to me a couple a days before, i was talking with a girl, who also write. and i enjoy to talk with her, sometimes we share words and is very kind, is from the states, right now im trying to improved my english and is cool to talk, because i make some writes in that lenguage too, is like a forest of love for the culture and music from the u.s.a. and is become a very inspirational for me since i remenber, so yeah i like to share some times, historys and poems in english, or try. haha salute and good health to all.
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 24
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Lualpri, Anabell López Rodríguez, alicia perez hernandez, David Arthur, MARDON
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