A long battled but failed journey,
Can’t be buried down without
Being swept away by a flood
Of tears,
A flood of tears, sweaty nightmares
And the constant stinging of bloody scars
Every few seconds.
That was the day, not that I gave up
But that I opened my eyes--
My heart was not only real,
It was also beating like the day
That my tiny body was born,
The fresh breath coming out
From my mouth
Came out like fog, clouding the glasses
That were stopping the sobbing
Dripping from my long eyelashes
And taking a rest on my rosy cheeks.
Gave up on loving you, I did not,
I could never, because I would fail again
But did gave up on you--
I let go of you as a friend, as a man
As the potential inspiration that
Used to keep me up at night
Writing on what were blank papers
Turned into fairytales--
Well, childish as it may have been,
It’s one of many ways to describe
What love is
And what it feels like.
My whole being gave up not on you,
But the person that you used to be
And the person you’ve become--
Yet both your past and present
Form the being that you are now---
You are still a person;
A person that I admire
A person that I still dream of
Even when I wake up panting
And crying
Embracing my pillow ever so tightly
Like trying to squeeze its life force out.
Though you don’t like the person I am
Don’t love the woman that’s up front
And the girl that hides inside on a corner,
You respected me as a person
Dare I say that even loved her.
I’m letting you go once again, but
Do remember that you’re still a person
That I gave up everything for--
I love you, and that’s that.
- Autor: Mad_Hare (Seudónimo) ( Offline)
- Publicado: 16 de enero de 2021 a las 11:16
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 32
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: WandaAngel, Lualpri
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