Unexposed Abyss


My limbs have played it safe, staying ever near shore  

Where the rough tide wouldn’t shake me to the core  

The eyes would fall like two open-clam pearls in the water’s floor  

And the wind didn’t roar, to open any door and blast me from ashore.  


The body stays by the shoreline, where the beach rock's gravestones are sharpest  

Feigning the limbo, in which the mind’s seduced by the darkness  

Of the ocean’s inky floor is rugged with chalky carcasses  

Whereas seaweed’s sharp veins pulse green and feed water goddesses.  


No, the calmed waters been never the ones to make a good sailor  

The unexposed ocean’s edges, yes, I want to conquer, unveil her  

To soak my body in its depth and tear up smoothly like paper  

That so called siren to every sailor, and mother to every crater.  


There, it may lay mermaids and monsters lighting their own forehead  

Bones piled like jewelry, that by sea’s music got absorbed  

What lies in that darkness, so beautiful and distorted? 

I would hate, certainly would, to not know before given up for dead.  


To that question, comes another, will my body ever stir? 

Though dangerous as it is, too tempting it is your bubbled purr 

Who is to predict of what will happen, or what may not occur? 

Staying and freezing, drowning and knowing, neither is yet preferred. 


There is no doubt, my half lies deeply in that abyss  

Yet some things are best forgotten, that’s when the mind resists  

Still, to expose the unexposed, is when demands to take a kiss  

To open up the eyes, and stare into what there exists.  


Someday these arms will sink, to embrace your biting depths 

Because I desire to remember, to you I will give my final breath  

So, show me in length, how you seduce and creep around my neck  

Unwind your storm of heavy dusk, to sail and kiss you, as I sail the shipwreck of death.  


Sailors are known for bravery, therefore I’ll jump to your unexposed abyss  

This quietness is your gift, I’ve no command left to resist  

Rather than bleeding my toes, stand raging, grab my wrists  

Seal our lips and vanish in descend with me, I’m no longer the shore—for you’ve teached me, to be the ship.  

  • Autor: Mad_Hare (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 17 de marzo de 2021 a las 22:54
  • Categoría: Gótico
  • Lecturas: 35
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Diana_Carolina, Lualpri
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  • Diana_Carolina

    I often find, that music gives you that high to transport you deeper into the world that you will feel with all your senses, when it's served with music. I hope this one will help you get that high.

  • versos finitos

    Muy hermoso poema Diana Carolina. Hecho con trazos magistrales. Felicidades

    • Diana_Carolina

      Gracias por leerme, amigo poeta.

      • versos finitos

        Quedo como un lector de sus bellos versos y estrofas. Buenas noches

        • Diana_Carolina

          Es un honor tenerlo como lector entre mis humildes versos. Le deseo una magica noche.

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