To the tears lost in your eyes, a note if I may
They’re not a sign of weakness, they search only to appease
That which impels you and turn it to a breeze
To push only their hands into your own, with a small, reassuring squeeze
And mount you to the peace of your ocean’s confused crests.
Dread, is nothing but a child to a mother’s breasts
Frightened of being too old or young, wishing not to leave their nests
Because it is portrayed everywhere as danger, your mind can only reject
What stances over you, standing gray and somewhat stormy.
There’s an absence; your body wishes to expulse it, your mind says inform me, it’s thorny
Your heart wavers with such thoughts, is it danger before me, am I doing this for me?
And what about the mouth? What if someone calls me, if they worry?
Just like that, back in your eyelashes brush what keeps at bay the gloom.
It’s understandable, the water is needed for the flowers to bloom
But have you ever seen a seed spread inside a dark room?
You’re the mother in this picture, not the newborn, can’t be forever in the womb
Your mind’s lagoons are a sea of thought trees in an ocean of foam.
When you walk away, or turn around, fear and courage walk together back home
They’re two sides of a face, they have but only each other when everything else’s blown
Even clouds carry cold whimpers, yet even when released, their touch is ever so warm
Scream it, cry it; don’t be afraid of the storm, but love the beauty created by so called chaos
That unfolds, just with your feelings out and beautifully poured.
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