I saw you in a dream last night
Beautiful flowers adorned your hair
So soft, long, dark, and light
You gave me life like a rain tear.
I do not forget your cinnamon skin
Sweet smelling and scars of experience
So complicated to perceive, as in the haystack the pin
With a soul built on resilience.
Holding your hand was the brightness
There was no shadow or adversity
You were wearing an essence of madness
A living rainbow was your personality.
A crescent moon illuminated your face
Curvilinea adorned with stars
It outshone even Sirius grace
An exotic beauty brought from Mars.
My beloved, you looked so adorable
Let me dream of you again
My mother, if I don't see you, it will be terrible
Take over my dreams, my brain.
Janette CG (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 11 de mayo de 2021 a las 12:53
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Ella esta lejos de mi, tuve un sueno sobre ella y este fue el resultado. Si gustan que lo publique en espanol, solo diganlo :)
- Categoría: Familia
- Lecturas: 22
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Augusto Fleid
bello poema a la madre... me encantaría que lo tradujeras. Gracias de antemano
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