Bars dancing around me feeling trapped like a white dove with no right to anything, appreciating between the bars the blue of the sky in the distance ... which sneaks up in silence stealing a kiss from the sea at every sunset ...
Flapping desperately ..
wanting to escape ..
Being envious of the sound of the wind that sometimes passes slowly and stops for a moment while I watch him.
I would like to fly free like a seagull, stopping in different seas thus forgetting all my regrets
Suddenly! I stop and meditate
What happened?
Suddenly the doors of my soul open wide
I walk in freedom without looking back.
Stepping firm path to my destiny that was written forever and ever.
copyright of the author
- Autor: Lesly Villanueva (Seudónimo) ( Offline)
- Publicado: 6 de junio de 2021 a las 20:33
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Este poema es una mirada más allá de nuestro sentir.
- Categoría: Reflexión
- Lecturas: 29
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Augusto Fleid, Lualpri
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