Nips in her lips, lacerations on my nape
Dripped like dried fountains down her cape
Nail trails in dirt, yet her carnal mouth shut--no signs of struggle, no wails escaped
No break, no scrape, just her body gently pale and on top her hair, impeccably draped.
Who'd be so imprudent, as to soil a damsel's gown?
No gallant, no horses, not a sight alive around
Not even in the cloak of night, her shadow had left her to drown
In the coldness of this town, wearing ice diamonds as her crown.
What is a gentleman to do, but to tighten its sombre glove
To grasp the suffocating smoky breathe, of such a lovely dying dove
Shield with your warmness, my loyal cloak, such silky skin of thy cub
Leave it to me, to brush off her hair charmingly, all the snow's crumbs.
Thy shall be my wife, to wonder drunkenly under our sheets
To clasp under my wing, shall I smell your flesh creamy as wheat
Blessed it be the day, when I found you in the streets
Thereafter you escaped in my slumber, leaving me to weep.
Let your frozen blood to let be known, I'll set fire to town
To lay rest upon the pillow's air, what in you I have found
What's there to live for in him who does not ages, but an endless bleeding wound
What's there of any meaning to a king, when his queen has been uncrowned?
To those who mourn her, as she wakes and I kiss her
Abandon her, I wouldn't, I've been not living since her
It was I who bit her, it has been for long just me, who's missed her
You mourn her now that she's gone, and now as I lift her--
Be grateful, I shall enjoy her for eternity, just as you shall live her eternal red blood's winter.
Mad_Hare (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 20 de junio de 2021 a las 12:11
- Categoría: Gótico
- Lecturas: 24
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: alicia perez hernandez
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