Why, you've been stolen from me


I saw you yesterday, oh yes, I did

Smiling so young, so vibrant, and yet I hid 

It would be a storm, if only it could hit 

It would be a snake in my chest, if only it could hiss.


Holding out your small hand to his face 

Tapping your fingers, leaving a trace 

His eyes followed, like waterfalls trying to win a race 

I'd win if only was there, what a waste. 


Years of loving you, yet you leave them to hang from your neck 

That very same swan bridge that would tremble with a peck 

Small from my lips and instantly you'd be swept 

Onto this shoulders, now damp, with how much for you I've wept. 


Why must you leave me, to fend myself from this darkness 

I shake, like a child admitted with a chart of madness 

A lone mane with mindness absent, should not have to accompany sadness 

But the crimson sundown that once, had promised him all brightness.


Have you stolen her away, with promises of worlds to see? 

I've shown her the universe, what could she earn from thee?

Perhaps I'll forget her once more, forget who we've come to be? 

Yet why you, my forgotten reflection? Why, you've stolen her from me? 

  • Autor: Mad_Hare (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 3 de julio de 2021 a las 10:54
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: #hugstopeoplewithAlzheimer's
  • Categoría: Triste
  • Lecturas: 20
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Lualpri
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  • Jordina👩‍🔬

    A see of tenderness, you couldn't express that deeply feeling of love more diep than you did!
    Siempre respeto a las personas de habla hispana que dominan la poesía en otro idioma que no se el materno!

    • Diana_Carolina

      Muchisimas gracias por tu comentario y muchas gracias mas por leerme!

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