**~Short Story: The Cat and The Dog~**

Zoraya M. Rodríguez

The Cat and the Dog

The bark dog, the dog arrived from the space. The dog saw a cat, when the cat keep silence between both, and the dog invite to the cat to go and run in the space. The cat thinking in the question he asked - "Where it’s the space?" -, and the dog in a terrified, but, in a silence in the darkness way. The dog didn’t say anything. The dog ran so fast in  the way and the cat follow at the dog. The two animals fell in an abbism and that was the space. The cat do a question at the dog -"that’s all"-, and the animals  were everything for your dog master, and after of a few moment fell also the blind old in the abbism. The three friends stay there for so much time, until dawned in the morning. The other day nobody could see them in an abbism and this was the abbism of the space of the dog.


Fable: “Never follow without to know the truth”.


  • Autor: EMYZAG (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 31 de julio de 2021 a las 00:02
  • Categoría: Cuento
  • Lecturas: 22
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