HELLFIRE (Hunchback of Notre Dame)


Hell has claimed Heaven, Maria, as promised 
This humble servant serves you at his calmest 
Still forgive me, Maria, for my heart feels dishonest 
I've felt the lust of men,  tis nothing but immodest.

I've felt in the sun caught in her raven hair 
In the oil of her skin whirlwinded around the air 
I've fallen in a pit of madness and despair 
The witch has cast her spell on me, spair me in your prayers.

It's not my fault, it's been God's plan 
To make the devil so much stronger than a man
Yet, give her to me, make her reach for my hand 
I'll crush her, embrace her, show your love's much more grand.

Destroy the Gipsy's curse, or let her be mine and mine alone 
Else she'll be gulped by Paris' flames, from skin down to bone 
Choose me or hell's fire, be mine or you will burn 
Into inferno's blaze or here beside me, where your hair once had flown. 


  • Autor: Mad_Hare (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 8 de septiembre de 2021 a las 18:11
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: This was inspired by one of my favorite movies, specifically my favorite villain song. Enjoy it, I know I did.
  • Categoría: Surrealista
  • Lecturas: 19
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