Flower Dagger


I've heard self-destruction's for cowards 

I dried my tears with towels 

Nobody knows what words devours 

Up and down, left-right, empowered and downers. 


So I stabbed my chest and planted a seedling 

Cultured it that there doesn't has to be such panic in bleeding 

Literated all about feelings and healing 

That even when distressed, I'd let it not, get misleaded. 


Stabbed the edges, to ooze out every drop of twilight 

Not to teach it fear of darkness, but to love it when it goes by the name of 'the night'

Told it, that the moon is dark and yet, it's surrounded by white light 

That if it's ever to need it in dark times, don't waver, cause it'll always be on my sight. 


And from within the cut, grew out the reddest rose 

From one of the petals, there hung a prose 

"Though was I enclosed, I felt the wind as it blows, 

And now witness the glow, that your tears expose".


Heartache no longer resides me, but inhabits somewhere, not quite dead

It lingers in the rainy days and when lonely, in my still sometimes sour breath 

The dagger in my bosom, was never quite the threat 

For it planted the seed within it, where it now has grown, a flowerbed. 

  • Autor: Mad_Hare (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 19 de octubre de 2021 a las 12:39
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 20
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Texi
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