One Morning, I Died


I tasted the smell of fresh-brewed coffee and pancake batter 

Though so quiet as a library, with the biggest lack of laughter 

Mom wore the the hue of woe, rather than her usual flowered patterns 

With Dad's hand around her waist, to swing if she'd fall and he'd catch her. 


The phone on my bed trembled like a school's bells 

With sad emojis and sentences of farewells 

In came my little sister and like a casted spell, she fell 

Over the bed that once shared our gossips, but to her eyes, felt now like a shell. 


I fluffed my dress and greeted the dogs' silent whining 

And patted their head gently, to hear their friendly barking 

From their eyes' corner came down their stare, like crying 

Right then, something in me, just felt like dying. 


Mom scratched her throat, as she poured out my perfumes 

And wobbled her knees, as she roamed room by room 

Held a teddy bear to her chest, that gave a magical ilusion of the bloom 

Of a maroon rose stuck to her tears, that made the petals seem a color of gloom. 


A waterfall of tears stroked my cheeks, so I asked Mom to hug away my sadness 

Fear strucked me over, as the stream catched up with fastness 

Memories flashed my eyes, happy though filled with anxious 

Feelings that my today, had already become my tomorrow. 


It clicked as a puzzle, the in-the-air undeniable sorrow

The tasty smell of breakfast, but the silent that was so hollow 

Though I cried, I smiled and whispered 'I'll be close, buf far no, how so?'

Cause this is the first in so long I've smiled, but the last time that I've cried. 


So I stayed by their side, as their tears hardly tried 

To hold on to what stands beside them, but letting go of what's inside 

I thank God for the ride and ask him with delighted pride 

That someday they as well be happy and thank him, for that one morning, when I died. 

  • Autor: Mad_Hare (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 2 de noviembre de 2021 a las 14:07
  • Categoría: Triste
  • Lecturas: 19
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Limoneyes, Rick Robles
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