You are so Beautiful
How sweet is your aroma.
The presence of your beauty is an enchantment of the Gods.
How lovely to see such beauty
capturing an instant of a lovely time.
Forever you’ll retain your beauty
Lingering in our mind with that presence
that was captured when you passed us by.
Tomorrow you’ll be no more
For time swiftly passes on
But the beauty of your Being will remain
Forever in my mind.
Martha Trevino Castilleja (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 26 de abril de 2022 a las 12:10
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: En todos hay belleza. Disfruta el tiempo cuando están a nuestro lado.
- Categoría: Amistad
- Lecturas: 34
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Ben-., migreriana, Ed-win
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