Everything is turning around me
And i don't know even who i am.
It had gone time and i can't love me,
Even loving others i can't stay glad.
What happened to me?
What what happened to me?
Everything had been changing.
They say changes is good,
But it's makes me be mood,
It's makes me be rude.
People can't understand me,
I feel like an alien walking in the earth,
I feel like being in a can, closed the lid.
I want to express what I am, who i am,
But I can't. I can't.
I'm a puzzle and i lost one of my part.
Losing, losing, I'm losing.
Crying, crying, I'm crying.
Hating, hating, I'm hating (Myself).
Sometimes I feel I'm the wrong part of the world,
Sometimes I feel I'm so stupid, oh my Gosh.
Sometimes I wanted to disappear myself forever,
When I'm depressed, no one help me, down level.
Down level, everyone is a shit.
Showing, publishing my arms cut and none helped me.
I don't need a psichologist to be able to cure me.
I need to know what is the meaning of love me.
Trying to be happy but I'm always falling again,
Trying to be happy but I feel i don't have brain,
In my world there's no sunny days, is always in rain.
My life is a fail, my life is a shit.
I'm always sad, always sad and
Like before, I cannot write or read.
Trying to smile and to understand
What people want of me, but I'm....
Losing, losing, I'm losing.
Crying, crying, I'm crying.
Hating, hating, I'm hating (Myself).
Sometimes I feel I'm the wrong part of the world,
Sometimes I feel I'm so stupid, oh my Gosh.
Sometimes I wanted to disappear myself forever,
When I'm depressed, no one help me, down level.
Down level, everyone is a shit.
Showing, publishing my arms cut and none helped me.
I don't need a psichologist to be able to cure me.
I need to know what is the meaning of love me.
I lost all illusions of my life
And i just wanna die.
Family say me I'm blame of mine,
That I'm blame of all and i don't like.
Dara, La Rusa, Sanz, etc. (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 19 de mayo de 2022 a las 03:08
- Categoría: Reflexión
- Lecturas: 35
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Siryed Avles
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