Melancholy Space
Impregnates the deep preticor air,
the drops flash crystal brilliance,
the wind rocks the lilies,
and where are you?
They floating high through space,
singing some old song,
watching the horizon far away
and I don't see you.
The cruel reality has separated us,
like twins at birth,
I carry in your my retinas your beautiful smile
and you don't see me
I never thought of an early ending
I never guessed our separation
but in the life everything ends
and it was death that took you.
A.B.A.© 2022
Amalia Beatriz Arzac
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Amalia Beatriz Arzac (
- Publicado: 5 de agosto de 2022 a las 12:36
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 32
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