In flashes of light, the child runs in his mind, In a world crafted by tales, his soul is deeply entwined. Endless stories, filled with fantasy and charm, Marking smiles on his face, like a soothing balm.
Behind every tale, a man with silver hair, Guardian of memories, his heart filled with care. With a gentle voice and a gaze full of grace, He narrates to the child, the stories with embrace.
Consonants intertwine, creating rhymes in the air, As the fable comes alive, in the child's mind, so fair. Emotion, suspense, happiness, and love in every word, In the elder's narration, the child's imagination is stirred.
Years pass by, but the bond remains strong, The adult still listens, to the stories, with a lifelong song. Though he can no longer sit on the elder's lap, His voice echoes in his heart, like a cherished map.
Fate has closed the door, of the majestic and loyal elder, But his legacy lives on, in the grandson, a fervent welder. Tears of sadness, but also of gratitude and love, For the elder will live eternally, in the stories from above.
SicarioDeAmor (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 1 de mayo de 2024 a las 00:40
- Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Poema dedicado a mi querido abuelo, que ya no me acompaña desde hace 13 años. Partió de este mundo pero su recuerdo sigue vivo en mi corazón. De niño me contaba historias a las que le añadía fábula, de grande seguía disfrutando de sus cuentos, de los cuales muchos eran ciertos.
- Categoría: Reflexión
- Lecturas: 6
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Tommy Duque, alicia perez hernandez
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