Those eyes and that smile had me with the sounds of your beat, my heart began to beat to the sound of your words, words that were the melody of my desires for you. There was an alignment of stars on that starry night that connected us like the Milky Way. Some nights I could see and feel all the stars in the sky, but some nights were cloudy and murky, that same sky that in my dreams was the limit of experiences I could only wish upon a star with you. You gave me moments that made me feel like I was Luna, that girl who is desire by the Sun but they are so distant apart that they almost never get to be on the same light. I will forever look up at the sky and remember that I was Luna and you were my Sun.
La Morena Poeta (Seudónimo) (
- Publicado: 17 de junio de 2024 a las 16:59
- Categoría: Amor
- Lecturas: 27
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: alicia perez hernandez, Lualpri
Algunas noches podía ver y sentir todas las estrellas en el cielo, pero otras noches estaban nubladas y turbias, ese mismo cielo que en mis sueños era el límite de experiencias solo podía desearle a una estrella contigo. Me diste momentos que me hicieron sentir como Luna, esa chica que es deseada por el Sol pero están tan distantes que casi nunca llegan a estar en la misma luz. Siempre miraré al cielo y recordaré que yo era Luna y tú eras mi Sol.
Interesante LUNA Y SOL
Querida amiga poeta...
Hermosas letras!
Gracias 🌺
Saludos Poeta, bendiciones! Gracias
👍 🌸
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