We are, in this pathetic world
mearly a thing without a soul
that can be easily replaced..
Loving you wasn't enough
I meant I kinda knew that...
But fuck... I didn't know
I would be replaced
the second you meet someone new...
We are indeed, as humans
the most pathetic
thing in this cold and lost world..
We fucking hurt our own selves...
with unnecessary feelings
in our souls..
Pathetic little confused minds
trying to play Gods.
Loving lost and broke souls
when ours are living in the darkness
We try to hide the fact
That we are broken
And we try harder
to fit into these fake universe
loving some fucking looser
thinking we will be loved
While the only thing here
we are just getting lost
Losing our selves in the darkness
in the coldness of this world...
Loving you really wasn't enough
Thinking about all those dreams
those whises that we use to share
A fantasy, a totally wanted to be...
Want it to be more to you
than I will ever be...
Loving you really wasn't enough
now this dreams just want to die
and this heart want to just bleed
bleed indeed until it dies....
- Publicado: 29 de noviembre de 2024 a las 13:13
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 21
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: ElidethAbreu, EmilianoDR, El Hombre de la Rosa, Tommy Duque
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