Who I am?
I'm the darkness
hiding in the light
the cold in winter days,
and the shadows
In those empty nights.
I'm that last love that died
I'm those dreams
The ones that have disappeared
The last tear that was born, from this stubborn heart
And slowly died ,in those painful eyes,the ones that are lost in the distance ,and have no more shine.
I'm the last dying minute of the longest night.
I'm the pain , on this tired body,
were the muscles simply ached .
Where the mind is lost
And don't want to be found.
I'm just a simple human,
Whom whises to exist no more.
Who I'm?....
I'm just a lonely soul
Who was born, into the wrong time,
a weak stupid heart who wants to love..
I'm the looser
the one that always
tries too hard.
The one that overfeels
The one that overthinks
The one that overloves
the way loving
exists no more....
- Publicado: 16 de diciembre de 2024 a las 15:14
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 46
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Mauro Enrique Lopez Z., MISHA lg, EmilianoDR, El Hombre de la Rosa, Tommy Duque
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