Why did you run away from my love?

Brian Eduardo Contreras Contreras



I failed before

I failed before

I understand it

you move away from me

dont could stop this damage

your heart fall broken

for me


Why did you run away from my love?

you cant feel to me

im wanna cry for its


I failed before

and dont will i saying bye

You cant feel to me

I wanna cry for its


I could promise you that

I will love you ever

But before i failed to you

take my heart you making to me your




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  • ElidethAbreu

    So beautiful.

  • MISHA lg

    Your lyrics are melancholic, poet, but they are beautiful
    thanks for sharing
    I failed before
    and dont will i saying bye
    You cant feel to me
    I wanna cry for its


  • Jaime Correa

    Why did you leave my heart in pain?
    I tried to hold on, but I felt in vain
    You walked away, without a goodbye
    Leaving me shattered, with tears to dry

    I know I failed you, I couldn't be strong
    My love for you was real, but our love went wrong
    I wanted to keep you, but I couldn't deny
    The mistakes I made, that made you say goodbye

    You can't feel for me, I know it's true
    But my heart still beats for you, my love anew
    I promise to love you, till the end of time
    But I know I failed, and our love's lost its rhyme

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