AnĂ¡lisis de "Victorian renaissance" de bjpafa

Ar/ti/cu/la/tion/ de/ca/ying/ on/ /res/hold./
= 13 sílabas (12 + 1)

The/ // scat/te/red/ fa/ce./
= 8 sílabas

E/cho/es/ on/ the/ smo/ked/ wall,/ per/sis/ten/ce/
= 12 sílabas

Sha/ring/ the at/temp/t/ of/ a/ ma/jor/ plau/si/bi/lity./
= 14 sílabas (13 + 1)

Vic/to/ria/ Re/gi/na/ ru/led/ and/ ga/ve op/por/tu/nity/ to/ con/trol/ so/ciet/y/
= 21 sílabas (20 + 1)

/ her/ gi/ven/ set/ of/ non/ writ/ten/ ru/les./
= 11 sílabas

It/ was/ ti/me/ to/ con/trol,/ as/ de/li/be/ra/ted/ in/te/rrup/tion/
= 17 sílabas

Of/ e/vo/lu/tio/nary/ the/ory/ and/ so/cial/ ca/sual/ties/ oc/cu/rred../
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)

Mo/res/ Ma/jo/rum,/ cus/toms/ as/ so/cial/ cus/tody,/
= 13 sílabas (12 + 1)

a/ jail/ we/re/ guar/ a/re in/de/ed/ the/ pri/so/ner/ li/ke/ the/e/
= 17 sílabas

Rein/vent,/ re/crui/ting/ to/ re/cre/a/te/
= 10 sílabas

En/chan/ting,/ pain/ting/ the at/temp/t/ to/ fa/ke/
= 11 sílabas

And/ no/te,/ de/ar,/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

1984 is/ a/ fa/ble/
= 4 sílabas

This/ is/ re/a///y/ de/ep/ shit/
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)

And/ not/ the/ she/ep/ re/vol/ving/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

The/ barn,/
= 3 sílabas (2 + 1)

and/ wri/ting/ a/ bi/ble,/
= 6 sílabas

and/ cha/sing/ the/ wolf./
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

-the/re a/re/ ma/jor/ in/te/rest/s/ in/vol/ved/ he/re,/ / boy!/
= 17 sílabas (16 + 1)

Lu/pus/ lu/pus/ must/ re/mem/ber/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

The/ she/e/pish/ past/ that/ lies/ be/ne/ath./
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)

O/ne/ man/ and/ his/ she/ep/ went/ to/ mow/ a/ me/a/dow/
= 15 sílabas (14 + 1)

And/ then/ al/zei/mer/ and/ the/ she/ep/
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

Went/ to/ ship/ the/ /ok/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

In/ a/ Vic/to/rian/ e/a/ger/ way/
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

Sim/ple/ story/te/lling/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

No/body/ Will/ lis/ten/ you/ ye/lling/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

Or/ be/lie/ve in/ God/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

As/ they/ pre/tend/ to./
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

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