AnĂ¡lisis de "Head over heels" de bjpafa

The/ day/ is/ /rot/tling/ to/ sun/down,/ the/ voi/ce of/ the Ur/be is/ cle/ar,/
= 17 sílabas (16 + 1)

Mi/llion/s/ of/ tiny/ soun/ e/ma/na/ting/ from/ the/ city/ car/bon/ ste/el/ belt/s/
= 19 sílabas

Car/bon/ is/ so im/por/tant,/ si/li/con/ and/ oxy/gen,/ ma/kers/ of/ pla/nets,/ bond/s/ of/ li/fe./
= 22 sílabas

We a/re/ /stan/ders,/ and/ what/ a/re/ you,/ ga/me/ con/tro/llers,/ king/s/ of/ des/tiny?/
= 21 sílabas (20 + 1)

A/ ?man?/ shoul/d/ ne/ver/ an/ti/ci/pa/te/ the/ con/junc/tion/ of/ fact/s/ of/ his/ fa/te/
= 22 sílabas

So/me/ ci/ne/ma/ti/call/y/ say/ fa/te is/ what/ we/ ma/ke,/ ques/tion/ is/ what/ we/ ma/ke?/
= 22 sílabas

Is/ a/ kiss/ / to a/ pas/sing/ child,/ a/ sig/na/tu/re on/ a/ will,/ the/ firs/t/ bre/ath?/
= 21 sílabas (20 + 1)

An/ em/bra/ce/ to an/ el/der,/ a/ figh/t/ to/ de/ath, a/ me/a/su/re of/ a/ star,/ word/s/ on/ a/ /re/ad./
= 27 sílabas (26 + 1)

As/ we/ ro/ta/te he/ad/ down/ the/ se/as/ con/ti/nue/ to held/ /ery/ and/ our/ sour/ce of/ li/fe/
= 22 sílabas

As/ we/ spin/ he/ad/ o/ver/ he/els/ in/ lo/ve/ na/tu/re/ plays/ the/ di/ce of/ me/e/ting/ a/ go/od/ wi/fe/
= 27 sílabas

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