AnĂ¡lisis de "Tears" de bjpafa

For/ced/ to/ run,/ / leg/ /obs/ whi/le/ the i//l/ co/me/ clo/ser/
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)

Ne/ver/ thoug/ I had/ to/ run/ from/ a/ sui/ci/de at/temp/t/
= 14 sílabas (13 + 1)

U/sua// we/ get/ an/ in/ter/view/ with/ the/ vam/pi/re/ Trist,/
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

Who/ fe/eds/ on/ black/ soul/s/ with a/ tou// of/ Skin/ner?/
= 14 sílabas (13 + 1)

Jac/kes/ La/cam/ de/ba/ted/ / Sla/zov/ Zi/zek/ at/ din/ner/
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

Re/ver/sing/ the/o/ries,/ drin/king/ wi/ne,/ kis/sing/ lips,/ at/heist./
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

In/ the/ gar/den/ a/ gen/tle/ bre/e/ze a/llows/ the/ flo/wers/ to em/bra/ce/
= 17 sílabas

Theis/tic/ /of/ at/ the/ mess,/ Gre/go/rian/ chant/s,/ a/ ray/ of/ so/la/ce/
= 18 sílabas

A/ child/ gi/ves/ wa/ter/ to/ the/ soil,/ her/ mot/her/ go/ne,/ the/ chur/
= 17 sílabas (16 + 1)

Of/ sto/ne/ frigh/te/ning/ and/ gi/ving/ her/ pe/a/ce,/ the/ sun/ not/ e/noug/h/ ligh/t,/
= 22 sílabas (21 + 1)

For/ her/ he/art/ is/ woun/ded,/ her/ spi/rit/ tou/ched/ / e/vil/ that/ will/ ne/ver/ be/ righ/t./
= 23 sílabas (22 + 1)

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