AnĂ¡lisis de "Motherwood unsettled" de bjpafa

Is/ the/ wind/ a/ mild/ sout//ut/he/ast/
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)

Or/ co/ming/ from/ the/ per/ma/frost?/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

To/day/ the/ per/sis/tent/ of/ an/ el/der/
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)

Is/ li/ke an/ ad/van/cing/ gla/cier,/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

No/ re/a/son/ what/so/e/ver,/ /y a/ fe/ver/
= 13 sílabas (12 + 1)

To/ de/mons/tra/te how/ /ong/ she is./
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

I can/not/ res/pond/ to/ such ac/tion,/
= 7 sílabas

De/li/be/ra/tely/ res/cin/ding/ of/ a/ maid/ to help/ her/ with/ the/ chil/dren/
= 17 sílabas

As/ a/ form/ of/ co/er/cion/ of/ a/ fat/her/ i/nept/ and/ a/gains/t/ co/lla/bo/ra/tion/
= 22 sílabas

With his/ mot/her,/ this/ has/ ne/ver/ pro/ved/ to/ be/ re/al/ both/ ways./
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

So/ /y/ figh/t,/ ac/cep/tan/ce is/ the/ key,/ af/ter/ se/vent/y eig// ye/ars,/
= 19 sílabas

O/ver/ fort/y/ fi/ve of/ mi/sun/ders/tan/ding/ and/ po/si/tion/s/ fier/ce,/
= 18 sílabas

Cer/tainl/y/ the/re/ will/ be/ fe/es/ and/ mo/re/ ways/ to hurt/ / per/son/ and/ per/so/na/lity,/
= 23 sílabas (22 + 1)

As/ they/ /t/ un/ders/tand/ how/ ti/red/ and/ in/de/ci/si/ve/ the/ body/ is,/
= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

Wi/llin// shut/ting/ off/ if/ he/ may,/ fart/her/ from/ re/a/lity./
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

Help/ me/ not/ to/ res/pond/ to/ such/ pro/vo/ca/tion./
= 12 sílabas

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