AnĂ¡lisis de "Grandaughter" de bjpafa

Such a/ story/ of/ wo/men/ and/ her/ part/ner/
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

Un/der/ the ho/ri/zon/ of/ kin,/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

It/ woul/d/ ta/ke a/ bot/tle/ to in/clu/de/ so/ many/ e/rrand/s,/
= 15 sílabas

At/ tra/ces/ of/ Nan/king./
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

O/ne/ was/ a/ Por/tu/gue/se/ fis/her/man/ from/ the an/cien/t/ New/foun/dland,/
= 19 sílabas (18 + 1)

Not/ the/ fe/ma/le,/ Jail/ key/ and/ fem/me/ fa/ta/le, ex/plo/si/vely/ out/
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)

Of/ her/ so/cial/ or/bit,/ as/ her/ fox/ o/ver/cloud/ shou/ted/ to e/very/
= 17 sílabas (16 + 1)

Sin/gle/ se/a/ pe/o/ple,/ drin/king/ a/ shot../
= 12 sílabas (11 + 1)

E/very/ sin/gle half/ an/ hour/ they/ che/e/red/ from/ the/ si/de/li/nes/
= 16 sílabas

And/ it/ se/ems/ that/ a/ Sto/ne in/ a/ fo/rest/ ce/me/tery/
= 15 sílabas (14 + 1)

Un/der/wa/ter/ in/ a/ main/ hou/se/ lawn/s,/
= 11 sílabas

Hap/pily/ ans/we/red/ back./
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

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