Análisis de "The Light" de ZMRS

= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

In/ the/ dark/ nigh/t,/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

I can/ se/e/ the/ ligh/t,/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

when/ you/ co/me/ to/ me,/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

and/ you/ gi/ve/ me,.?/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)


a/ kiss,/ that/ you/ can/ fe/el,/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

and/ we/ //t/ in/ the hell,/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

but,/ the ex/ci/te is/ born/ a/gain,/
= 7 sílabas

when/ co/me/ the/ de/si/lu/tion/ to/ win,/
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)


in/ the/ dark/ nigh/t,/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

you/ can/ put/ the/ ligh/t,/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

when/ you/ can/ se/e/ with/ the/se e/yes,/
= 9 sílabas

/ tem/ple of/ e/mo/tion,/ / al/re/ady,/
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)


/ des/tiny/ to/ sur/vi/ve,/
= 7 sílabas

in/ the/ dark/ness,/
= 4 sílabas

in/ the/ sad/ness,/
= 4 sílabas

i/llu/sion/ is/ to/ li/ve,/
= 7 sílabas


when/ you/ co/me/ to/ me/ with a/ kiss,/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

a/ kiss/ of/ de/si/re/ when/ you/ kiss/ / he/art,/
= 13 sílabas (12 + 1)

when/ you/ can/ stay/ in/ / he/ad,/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

if/ I lo/ok/ in/si/de of/ you,/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)


in/ the/ dark/ nigh/t,/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

if/ you/ can/ se/e/ with/ ligh/t,/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

with/ the/ /ligh/t/ shi/ne in/ me,/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

from/ you/ gi/ve/ me/ the/ ligh/t/ to/ me./
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)


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