Análisis de "Jaya Radha Madhava ~ Jagannatha Suta Dasa" de borage2

= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

ja/ya/ ////dha/va/ kuñ//bi//r?/
= 14 sílabas (13 + 1)

///a////va/llab/ha/ gi///a///////r?/
= 22 sílabas (21 + 1)


////an/da/na/ bra//ja////ja/na/
= 15 sílabas

= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)

WORD/ FOR/ WORD/ TRANS/LA/TION:/ Ja/ya/ Rad/ha/ Mad/ha/va/
= 13 sílabas

= 3 sílabas

1) /a is/ the/ lo/ver/ of/ Rad/ha. He/ dis/plays/ many/ a/mo/rous/ pas/ti/mes/ in/ the/ gro/ves/ of/ /nda/va/na, He is/ the/ lo/ver/ of/ the/ cow/herd/ mai/dens/ of/ Vra/ja, and/ the hol/der/ of/ the/ gre/at/ hill/ na/med/ Go/vard/ha/na./
= 51 sílabas

2) He is/ the/ be/lo/ved/ son/ of/ mot/her/ Ya/so/da,/ the/ de/ligh/ter/ of/ the in/ha/bi/tant/s/ of/ Vra/ja, and/ He/ wan/ders/ in/ the/ fo/rest/s/ a/long/ the/ bank/s/ of/ the/ Ri/ver/ Ya/mu/na!/ / / / / / /
= 51 sílabas

= 8 sílabas

Sri/la/ Prab/hu/pa/da/ was/ very/ fond/ of/ this/ sort/ and/ sang/ it/ just/ be/fo/re his/ lec/tu/res./ In/ A/lla/ha/bad/ and/ Go/rakh/pur,/ Sri/la/ Prab/hu/pa/da/ fell/ in/to a/ tran/ce af/ter/ sin/ging/ the/ firs/t/ two/ li/nes,/ and/ af/ter/ so/me/ ti/me he/ ca/me/ back/ in/to ex/ter/nal/ cons/cious/ness/ and/ said,/ "Now/ just/ chant/ Ha/re/ /sna"./ Sri/la/ Prab/hu/pa/da/ said/ that/ this/ song/ is/ "a/ pic/tu/re of/ /nda/va/na. E/very/thing/ is/ the///i/ma/ti/ Rad/ha/ra/ni,/ /nda/va/na,/ Go/vard/ha/na,/ Ya/so/da, and/ a//l/ the/ cow/herd/ boys"./
= 128 sílabas (127 + 1)

This/ song/ is/ he/ard/ in/ Ra/ga/ Ka/fi,/ Ra/ga/ Mis/ra/ Pi/lu, and/ Ra/ga/ Dar/ba/ri/ Kan/ha/da./
= 24 sílabas

In/for/ma/ción/ de:/ /
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

= 19 sílabas (18 + 1)

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